Within the framework of responsible travel, we follow an internal valuation system, which we call eco-rating. It is based on the principles of ecotourism developed by the International Ecotourism Society (TIES) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). All our destinations are handpicked, visited and rated according to this valuation system. The responsible travel concept is also guaranteed through recognition of certification plans or accredited sustainable tourism awards. The valuation is based on a score card sent to the self-assessment destination. This is then compared to Ecospheres’ own assessment of the site. However, it is important to know that all destinations have different conditions to operate. An eco destination in Kenya can be operated very differently compared to a destination in Europe. Therefore, we have an open question under each category where the camp, hotel or lodge can add further information about the development goals as stated in their business.

Ecospheres eco rating (1-5) is based on the following parameters:

  • Service: We always keep the quality aspect high. Excellent food and beverages, comfortable and high accommodation standards, professional guides and staff, personal but discreet service are included as parameters.
  • Security: We are constantly working on the security aspect regarding our travellers. Most of our destinations are far away from risk hot spots and the hotels, camps and lodges we work together with are small in terms of size and beds. Crime, terrorist attacks, extreme weather and diseases are low risk factors. Each destination compliant with the country’s laws and regulations.
  • Activities and atmosphere: We offer travel experiences that we hope will influence and change our travellers positively. These experiences include educational, engaging, culturally sensitive and respectful activities. We choose companies who employ a large percentage of local employees, whom will be your knowledgeable guides, your excellent chef and your service minded manager. We love to share destinations where both guests and staff mutually can gain from conversations and interactions with each other.
  • Facilities: We appreciate sustainable design approaches, both for the interior and exterior. Ecological design, natural and noise-free environment, indigenous trees, flowers and plants, a close to nature feel and local, cultural expressions are included as parameters.
  • Ecological sustainability:  We choose hotels, camps and lodges that operate in an eco-friendly way where reuse, reduce and recycle is an approach. Properties where they have chosen the best possible energy technology and environmental friendly providers – including solar panels, wind turbines, waste and water management programs. All destinations are different from each other, therefore, it is essential to assume the preconditions of the destination when looking to each parameter.
  • Development: We believe that a hotel should be a dedicated part of the community at each destination, hence it is vital to Ecospheres that hotels, camps and lodges engage in initiatives to uplift community support and conservation efforts. The initiatives can strengthen both people and planet aspects. Involvement regarding nature, culture, environment, health, education and the safeguarding of the environment will give the destination a higher ranking.


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Our Partners

GST Council
Peace Parks Foundation