
We love to travel, and see many benefits of traveling. We want to inspire more travellers to choose responsible destinations, thereby contributing to leave a positive footprint behind.

We are also aware that traveling leads to challenges. Since hotels, aviation and other means of transportation are some of the contributing causes of global warming, and since many of our destinations can only be reached by air, we do not speak in terms of sustainable travel. We use the concept of responsible travel instead. Today, the vast majority of people do their best to reduce their carbon footprint through lifestyle changes in everyday life, such as what you eat, what energy sources we use and how we consume. We consider it good to make similar conscious choices when choosing to travel.

With responsible travel, we mean a traveler taking responsibility for the destination and location you are visiting. Traveling responsibly means that:

  • You support small-scale, eco-friendly hotels while leaving the smallest carbon footprint as possible.
  • You contribute to protecting the biodiversity of the site through various conservation projects.
  • You support local community development through various social and economic programs.


At many of our destinations, you can see, feel and experience how the camp, lodge or hotel work responsibly and gain a deeper understanding of what value it creates. If you would like to know more about how you contribute at each destination please read the section “Does my trip make a difference?” placed under each travel program. You will there find a description of how your trip contributes when you choose to travel with us.

Learn more about choosing Responsible Destinations here.

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Our Partners

GST Council
Peace Parks Foundation